Thursday, April 23, 2009



A Possible Solution to our Existing Problem.

one possible solution is that we could slowly make a switch of our resources. for instance, we could start using water power for electricity intsead of coal. or we could use geo-thermal instead of oil. another possible solution could be that we would find another planet with resources in it, like in the movie that everybody loves called Star Wars.

Gathering Information..

we could use a "energy lab" to help determine the time it would take to switch resources. this would help by showing how large of a timeline we would need to switch over, Also we would need to know what resources we switch out. such as using water to power electricity.

The Problem With our Consumption...

The problem with our energy consumption at this moment is that we are using up all of our non-renewable resources. but, we have other renewable resources like solar. this is a problem because we could one day run out, and we cant just switch resources in a day, it would take many years to change our main types of energy resources. if we dont start our switch now though, we will run out of resources for switching later. each year we use more and more energy from resources like coal but instead we could be using ones like wind energy. all in all, there is an obvious problem that is begging to be fixed for our world.

Understanding The Problem...

3. With the problem being that we are using more non-renewable resources over renewable resources, We are eventually going to run out of the non-renewable resources. But, it's not possible to just make a sudden switch from using energy sources like coal and gas to bio fuel and solar, which is also a large part of the problem. Just being able to figure out how to make the switch from the un eco-friendly energy sources to eco-friendly sources takes thought about how it will effect us not only now but in the long run. If we stop using all the gases, coal and oil we won't be producing enough energy for all the energy we consume (still needAdd Imageing about 82 EJ energy). Also, we cannot stay on the path we are on using as much gas, oil and coal as we are because after just six decades we would be past our goal of an atmospheric CO2 level of 550 and be over 575.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

U.S Energy Consumption

Yes, a problem does exist with the U.S energy consumption. The problem is that we are using more of the non-renewable resources over the renewable resources. This means that we'll soon run out of our non-renewable resources like uranium and petroleum. We could switch over to renewable resources, but it is expensive. Also we are just looking at the small picture by using the non-renewable resources and not considering the long run, the renewable resources. For example, we are using more coal than we can produce. In addition, we import more oil than we use from our own land. All the non-renewable substances are manufactured and are easy to make, yet the renewable substances are costly to use but much healthier for our ecosystem. One solution is we could use both non-renewable and renewable resources, but we could slowly use more renewable resources until the non-renewable resources are out of the picture.